doing the work that matters
I have 9+ Years of Experience in Digital Inbound Marketing. My Core specialities are Website Development, Content Development, Social Media Marketing & Search Engine Optimization.
Website development
Every business needs a website in 2020 & beyond. I make sure that you have the website which speaks to your audience & establish you as a brand.
Content Development
I not only create content, but Great Content. Great Content not only engages your audience but leads them to take the desired action as well.
Social media marketing
I help you execute effective social media campaigns resulting in great ROI. Plus, it helps in creating the required buzz & hype for your business.
Search Engine Optimization
I help you in developing & executing the effective & risk-free SEO strategy to increase the targetted organic traffic & leads to your business.
Aspiring Psychologist
I dedicate a specific portion of my time to the company of great minds and thinkers both from the past & the present. I am now in the process of becoming a psychologist as well. My favorite topics include Personal Development, Love & Relationships & the Human Behavior.
Traveller & Bike Rider
Whenever I am not working the magic or learning, I ride and travel across the beautiful country we are blessed with. It refreshen my whole being and broaden my horizon.
The Best Combination



I am blessed to possess the perfect & lethal combination of marketing & psychology along with my free, energetic & daring soul to deliver the exact results my clients are looking for, and more!.